2009-11-3: version 0.4 released

I wolud like to know whether I have unread messages at Google Wave or not, like Google Notifier for Mac for GMail and Google Calendar. I could find Google Wave Add-on for Firefox at That Smith. So I implemented one as referencing the add-on. Thank you Chad at That Smith.
You can download it form Downloads for hiroshi's Unofficial-Google-Wave-Notifier - GitHub. Before download it, be sure that is makes NO WARRANTY.
Google Wave の新着通知も Google Notifier for Mac のように通知されたいのですが、探しても Google Wave Add-on for Firefox at That Smith しか見つからなかったので、その Add-on のソースを参考にして作ってみました。
Downloads for hiroshi's Unofficial-Google-Wave-Notifier - GitHub からダウンロードできます。
Downloads for hiroshi's Unofficial-Google-Wave-Notifier - GitHub からダウンロードできます。
It looks great, but I can't get it to work. I'm getting "SecKeychainFindGenericPassword: failed. (OSStatus: -25300)" and "SecKeychainAddGenericPassword: failed. (OSStatus: -61)" errors in the log. Do you have any idea what might be wrong?
Sorry for inconvenience.
I filed this as an issue at:
Could you tell me about some of your environments:
* Leopard or Snow Leopard?
* if Leopard intel mac or power mac|book?
* Which version do you use? See bottom line of the preferences windows
* Downloaded binary release or built yourself?
Please answer those above as a comment of the issue at the url I mentioned.
Thanks in advance.
the zip version seems a bit messed up, it tries to open de text documents in terminal, the tar version has the right extensions.
I am just looking for a howto to install the whole thing, there is no .app or install file?
There are two categories for download files on github. The lower part of them are source archives (tgz | zip) at tags.
You should download the latest binary zipped package form top of the link on the downloads page. The direct link to the latest one is here. I hope you get a clue.
Anyway, I agree that downloads page is confusing. I think that I should have a custom download link somewhere...
thanks, got it now :)
This is great! Thanks!
One question - could you add a way to get it to open the Inbox in a browser other than the 'default' browser? Perhaps an additional setting?
Or, is there something in the app contents I could edit to have it use a different browser?
hi ASM_PhD,
Currently there is no such setting ui nor file at all. However, it's nice to have such a preference setting. I added this to TODO list.
Looks great! Nice work Hiroshi.
Thanks Chad,
It could be difficult to done without referencing your Firefox Add-on.
By the way, I'd like to change auth system from ClientLogin to OAuth. Do you have any idea?
I've forked the source code to create a Waveboard client friendly version (checkout out http://www.getwaveboard.com/ if you haven't). Clicking "Go to inbox" fires up Waveboard if it's not loaded (takes you inbox).
Clicking a wave from the notifier while waveboard is loaded will load up the wave in waveboard.
Binary is at: http://bit.ly/5izVwH
Forked source is at: http://bit.ly/4Nhqlk
This should probably be configurable. But does the job for now.
Any chance you can make it able to use a Growl notification?
There is a issue for this and now under development.
FYI, if the app isn't installed in /Applications it won't create the Keychain item and even if the Keychain item is created manually it still won't work. It will give the error:
2/26/10 5:19:11 PM Unofficial Google Wave Notifier[15114] SecKeychainFindGenericPassword: failed. (OSStatus: -25300)
I had it installed in a ~/apps folder. Moving it to /Applications and it worked like a charm.
I tried it today and so far it works fine for me. I'm using MacOS 10.5.8.
Thank you for writing this notification tool! I was looking for something like this.
Thanks for google wave noti. MAC..
If it possible, please add support "Google App"..^^
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